Labour Market Information

To shape skills provision, pathways, capacity and quality resources in the South East Midlands, it is imperative to have relevant and detailed labour market information directly from employers. This will enable better-informed decision making about attainment and training provision and content, aligned with the requirements of employers.

Below you can download Labour Market Information on our key sectors. To download the South East Midlands Labour Market Overview, click here.  Further information can be found here.

Careers Newsletter


The Careerometer tool will help you to compare different job roles that you may be interested in.  It uses up to date labour market information collected by LMI for All. It will show you data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for the job role you select.

To use the Careerometer all you need to do is click on one of the cards below.  Simply type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop down list.  This will then give you the pay, hours of work and future employment prospects for that job role.  You can then click on the other two cards to add your second and third choices to see the comparison.

Use the widgets below to compare up to three job roles