Walton High Year 10 Rugby

On Tuesday 27 September, Year 10 students from Walnut Tree and Brooklands Campus combined to play the first match of the season – a friendly against Ousedale School which took place after school in good weather.


As we had successfully played together in Year 9, we all knew each other well and were able to come together as a team. During the first half of the match, Walton High were losing 15-0 but we managed to pull it back to 15-10. The two tries were scored by Raphael and Curtis.  Raphael’s try was a great effort. He ran through Ousedale’s defence, used his speed to run the whole length of the pitch and scored under the posts. Curtis took a quick ball and showing skillful hands and feet, he stepped past Ousedale’s defending player and ran through to score.


Ousedale scored again in the second half of the match with an end result of 30-10 to them.


As a team we all enjoyed the match and look forward to playing more together as the term gets under way. With some more team practice, we should have a strong successful team this season for the school.
