Art Club Winners
After a year of waiting, and a cancelled exhibition, we are pleased to announce the Key Stage 3 Art Club 2019/20 have won first prize in a local Art competition.
The ‘Feeling Safe in MK’ competition was run by MK Youth Cabinet and challenged students to be as creative as possible in illustrating the issue ‘Feeling Safe’. The 9 Art Club students created an A1 mixed media piece inspired by Mondrian and the grid system. It shows concerns over big issue such as knife crime and road rage but also celebrates positives such as green spaces and lakes, world class shopping and excellent transport links. The piece is called ‘Monsters Under the Bed’ and was completed over a series of lunchtime clubs supervised by Miss Hawkes and Mrs Bowers. The students have received certificates of commendation and high street shopping vouchers to recognise their efforts. The work has also been scanned and will be displayed in an eBook. This can be accessed from 21 April on the Youth Cabinet section of the council website .
Huge congratulations go to Love Adeyemo, Sophia Carrivick, Emily Errington, Georgia Haydon, Ruby Hillyer, Naeya Mistry, Zulaykha Raj and Sophie Wright.